Securities Technology Monitor. 2015: The Always On Desk ( )
There are ways to justify human wisdom, even in the era of the automated trading desk
Advanced Trading. To Integrate or Not to Integrate? ( )
Some of the buy side would like to see a little more information floating between the order management system and the execution management system
The Trade Magazine. The quest for the Holy Grail ( )
Transaction cost analysis (TCA) has become increasingly important in helping firms measure performance and cost of execution
Inside Market Data: InfoReach Rolls Out Real-Time TCA Analysis ( )
Real-time TCA service, which calculates and updates its predictions of the market impact of trades at 15-minute intervals throughout the trading day
The Trade. Tech Update: InfoReach releases 'new approach' to TCA ( )
Trading technology provider InfoReach has launched a service that integrates pre-trade and historical transaction cost analysis
InfoReach Showcases Decision Support Tools at TradeTech Equity Trading Conference in Paris, April 8-9, 2014, Booth #79 ( )
InfoReach Showcases Decision Support Tools at TradeTech Equity Trading Conference in Paris
Quantitative Brokers and InfoReach Partner to Deliver Relative Value Trading for Futures ( )
QB has integrated its algos, including the futures-versus-futures Legger aimed at relative value traders, into InfoReach's trade management system
InfoReach Newsletter: Multi-legged order. Enhances risk control tools. A new approach to transaction cost analysis. TradeTech London 2013 ( )
Multi-legged order. Enhances risk control tools. A new approach to transaction cost analysis. TradeTech London 2013
InfoReach Second Opinion - Interactive Pre/At/Post-Trade Transaction Cost Analysis (TCA) Service
InfoReach Second Opinion acts as a trading analytics for transaction cost analysis (TCA) that lets you analyze and improve the quality of trade execution
Trade Cost Analysis - Transaction Cost Analysis (TCA) Service ( InfoReach TMS )
Second Opinion is an interactive, enhanced transaction cost analysis service that can help you improve operational efficiency and performance in trading
In Depth - Transaction Cost Analysis (TCA) Service ( InfoReach Second Opinion )
Second Opinion is an interactive, enhanced transaction cost analysis service that can help you improve operational efficiency and performance in trading
Trade Cost Analysis - Transaction Cost Analysis (TCA) Service ( InfoReach Sell-Side OEMS - TMSbd )
Second Opinion is an interactive, enhanced transaction cost analysis service that can help you improve operational efficiency and performance in trading
Screenshots - User Interface Screenshots ( InfoReach TMS )
InfoReach TMS has a rich configurable interface to meet any trader's needs
Screenshots - User Interface Screenshots ( InfoReach Sell-Side OEMS - TMSbd )
InfoReach TMS has a rich configurable interface to meet any trader's needs