Field SecurityTradingEvent (1174) - FIX Protocol FIX.5.0SP2 EP240

Type: int

Identifies an event related to a SecurityTradingStatus (326). An event occurs and is gone, it is not a state that applies for a period of time.

Added in protocol FIX.5.0 (47)

See in: FIX.5.0SP1, FIX.5.0SP2.

Valid values

Value Description Added
1 Order imbalance, auction is extended FIX.5.0 (47)
2 Trading resumes (after Halt) FIX.5.0 (47)
3 Price Volatility Interruption FIX.5.0 (47)
4 Change of Trading Session FIX.5.0 (47)
5 Change of Trading Subsession FIX.5.0 (47)
6 Change of Security Trading Status FIX.5.0 (47)
7 Change of Book Type FIX.5.0 (47)
8 Change of Market Depth FIX.5.0 (47)
9 Corporate action FIX.5.0SP2 (190)

Used in messages

Used in components